Ron J. Suresha is an award-winning author and editor, a Bear community pioneer, and a bisexual activist born in Detroit, Michigan, who has worked in publications and publishing all his life. His nonfiction works include: a 1998 self-published beverage recipé book, Mugs o Joy: Delicious Hot Drinks (reprinted 2013); an acclaimed 2002 book on the gay and bisexual mens Bear subculture, Bears on Bears: Interviews & Discussions (revised edition, Bear Bones Books, 2008); and two anthologies, Bi Men: Coming Out (edited with Pete Chvany, Haworth/Routledge, 2006), and Bisexual Perspectives on the Life and Work of Alfred C. Kinsey (Routledge, 2010), both finalists for the Lambda Literary Award.
Suresha authored with Scott McGillivray a 2012 pictorial book, Fur: The Love of Hair (Bruno Gmünder), winner of a Rainbow Book Award. Suresha also writes and edits erotic fiction under the pseudonym R. Jackson, including the short-story anthology, Bi Guys: The Deliciousness of His Sex (reprinted, Lethe Press, 2009), also a Lambda Literary Award Finalist.
The author, who resides with his husband in Connecticut, is the Cofounder and Acquisitions Editor of the Bear Bones Books imprint of Lethe Press, which publishes quality literature written by and for the gay and bi mens Bear community.